Please select the product options
This module is filled with updates of a users friends. If the fill content, not enough updates from your friends, the module will automatically be updated recommendations. If you install to the recommendations of the values "Yes", the module will be divided into two parts, the upper one will show updates from friends, and lower recommendations.
Show updates from a certain area
All you need to do is add a link to the latest updates from which you want to show. You can also choose to display recommendations and header or not.
Customizable module size (width and height)
To ensure that the module will fit in any place on your website, you can adjust the size of the module.
Light or black color scheme
The module supports 2 color schemes: light and dark. You can switch between themes in just one click. Each diagram has a different appearance options.
The default is 6 fonts
In order to customization, you can change the font-family: arial, lucida grande, segoe ui, tahoma, trebuchet ms and verdana.
17 colors for frame module
There are 17 standard colors that you can choose for the frame of module: white, dark blue, green, grey and others.