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YJME gives you the option to choose between news sources Joomla and K2. In addition, you can make multiple copies of the module and combine the sources and Joomla, and K2. Note that combining 2 news sources in one module is impossible.
Opportunities YJ Module Engine:
YJME is using Joomla MVC structure of the Edit module template in module Manager Create new module template in module Manager select the standard stylesheet module Edit style sheets of the module through the module Manager the Download of style sheets of the module through the module Manager to create the stylesheet module module Manager the Choice of news source between Joomla and K2. The choice news item from all or some of the Joomla/K2 category Select individual news from the Joomla/K2 changing the order of news dragging the standard K2 images news
Possible news item YJ Module Engine:
Redirect to the authorization page if the access is restricted to only registered or having higher level users. Limit the number of news showing the number of characters of the Intro text Show/hide header Show/hide the author of the post Display the users real name or his nickname Show/hide introductory introductory picture Position of the picture set the width and height of the picture introduction Show/hide links on the category Show/hide create date Show/hide the Intro text Show/hide links to the full text of the news