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JSitemap Professional Edition has unique features generate Sitemaps of various types to provide the best level of SEO optimization. It works in all environments supporting the fine-tuning of resources generating load on the server and the cache system during the creation of the site map. You can increase the number of indexed Google pages by 400% and thereby increase availability of the website.
Sitemap Professional Edition supports generation of:
Regular XML site map XML site map for images XML Sitemaps for news, Mobile XML Sitemap
Generate multiple card types site will allow your website to become more accessible to search engines and improve your position, then, on the other hand, it is impossible to achieve using other Joomla extensions to manage the site map
The site map is generated in real time based on changes to site content, i.e. all content changes to your site are reflected in the site map. Moreover, adding links to dynamically generate a site map, for example Google Webmaster Tools it will automatically get the latest version of the site map, making all the work for you.
Russification component
Russian language can be always downloaded on our forum Or on the website joomlang.ru