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Vina Treeview is a great module for your online store for JShopping, which allows you to display product categories in a tree, like folders in the file Manager. This allows your readers to quickly achieve secondary and internal categories in which they need to quickly find a list of products they need. You will save a huge amount of time when creating a tree of categories of their products with the help of Vine Treeview.
The main features of the plugin View Treeview:
6 ways the different display modules tree categories; powered by JQuery; You can set root category, You can enable or disable displaying the number for each category; additional animation Support adjustable playback speed; Any of the controls can be added manually; Allow to change transitions speed, duration, and desired effects; Support for multiple modules on the page; Fully customizable look supports adjustments in HTML and CSS; Support of different languages and the possibility of installing their own translations; the Prevention of conflicts with other modules; Fully compatible with IE7 +, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and so on; And much more...