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HOT Photo Gallery is all you need to create a photo gallery on the pages of your website. The gallery plugin automatically creates thumbnail images and slide shows from photo collection.
Whats he doing, really?
Automatically creates thumbnails and stores them in the subdirectory /thumbs of your directory with images. You can specify the width of the thumbnail in the properties of the plugin, the default value is 200. Replace the above command set of thumbnail images. You choose the number of images in a series using properties of the plugin, the default value is 3. Creates a lightbox slideshow. Clicking on any thumbnail will open the picture of the pillars in the pop-up lightbox. The user can view the image (forward/backward) in the popup window.
As for the style pages, you have the following options in the plugin settings:
Frame color, color when you hover, the width of the frame. The space between the frame and the image thumbnail. The horizontal and vertical margins between the thumbnails.
The plugin uses the jQuery JavaScript library and works in non-conflict mode, so you can use it together with other scripts.