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Joomla CMS is used to develop a large number of sites of different directions, ranging from small personal blogs to large news portals. IceTheme Studio released for the system management powerful and elegant pattern on the subject: news / Online magazines.
As can be seen from the demonstration mode, loading speed of the template is very high because it uses the compression of CSS and JavaScript files, as well as in the template when the design does not contain any graphic element. The output of materials organized in a grid that will be perfect for outputting large blocks of information.
In addition to this template was developed by three occupational module: IceCarousel, IceAccordion and IceTab. Like all templates from IceTheme IT Newsy by default it comes with advanced search, contact form, survey.
Based on the three column layout; Preset font Switcher; Six different color schemes; Not used graphic elements; Compressing CSS and JavaScript files; 100% tableless layout; Compatibility with Joomla 1.5 Comes with three modules (IceCarousel, IceAccordion and IceTab); Comes with PSD source; Works with most modern browsers;