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AcyMailing Enterprise v5.8.1 - mailings on Joomla

AcyMailing Enterprise of version 5.8.1 - is Joomla the E-mail component of mailings + all plug-ins
Manufacturer: Joomla CMS


Price: 5 USD

Enterprise of version 5.8.1 + russification and plug-ins - are Joomla component ( for the latest version ) which will allow you to keep in all feedback with your users through mailing E-mail, to create answering machines, to do the marketing companies and to that other.

com_acymailing_enterprise_v5.8.1 Component. Russification is available separate pack ice.

It without problems is built in by

of Joomla 3.x and provides the functionality allowing you to stay in touch with your subscribers at any time. Did you already have to suffer how to organize mailing or similar expansions for work with visitors? Your tortures are ended. If you have problems with mailings on defined cron tasks as the task works via the server. It is necessary to register on the hosting / server the next lines in cron:

  of lynx - source " option=com_acymailing& ctrl=cron" & gt; / dev/null  


  of wget - O/dev/null "http://www.  /index.php? option=com_acymailing& ctrl=cron" & gt; / dev/null    

is more detailed than

about method of kroner in the AcyMailing component - Look on their page and make control according to the instruction.

Main characteristics and advantages of Enterprise of the version :

  • Individually you steer unlimited number of users
  • you Create automatic mailings (to send automatically anew, to create content or your monthly information mailing)
  • to Send the personalized information mailings
  • to
  • the Component will show detailed statistics (who has clicked on the link who has opened your mailing how many users have unsubscribed or sent your mail, open services, The URL address tracker)
  • Addition of the user fields in the user's cross-section
  • Creation of the subsequent the answering machine of campaigns
  • Automatic filters / actions of system for processing of mass actions
  • Addition of level of control of access for subscription for lists
  • to Steer the mailings from frontend
  • Automatically cleanings of your list of subscribers thanks to our new funktsioal on roadability of system
  • the Complete list of ACL of steering
  • of Redefinition in Joomla e-mail (confirmation, dumping of the password...), to make them beautiful and to receive statistics about your registration
  • Also in archive the complete list for integration solutions of acymailing and with others components on Joomla. see screenshots all of plug-ins in archive.

"AcyMailing of 2017 - the post component of mailings" sberegt your hours organizing mailings or others deystvviya and will make your life simpler.

In archive the fullest version of component from the editorial office Enterprise which has price is €89. The big list of the closed modules and plug-ins in set.

Study the list of plug-ins for component (in archive there are updated versions of the listed expansions)

For content:

of cobalt, djcatalog2, djclassifieds, easyblog, easydiscuss, ezautos, flexicontent, form2content, gmapfp, gurupro, igallery, iproperty, jbjobs, jobgrokboard, jomclassifieds,

of jomestate, joomblog, joomlaestateagency, jreviews, k2element, komento, kunena,

of listbingo, lyftenbloggie, mightyresources, mosets, myblog, newsfeeds, rsblog,

of rsdirectory, seblod, sobi2, sobipro, yoorecipe.

For shops:

of awoaffiliate, joomshopping, k2store, mijoshop, redshop, virtuemart,

of vmacymailing

For calendars and utilities:

of dpcalendar, dtregister, eventbooking, eventlist, eventlist11, icagenda,

of jcalpro, jevents, matukio, mijoevents, ohanah, redevent,

of registrationpro, rsevent, rseventspro, spidercalendar, vjcalendar, of tagjevents

For file managers:

of dms, docman, docman2, jdownloads, joomdoc phocadownload,

of remository, rokdownloads

For subscription components:

of aec, akeebasub, cbsubs, creuser, mi_acymailing, mightyregistration,

of osemembership, osmembership, of payplans, of plgcreuser

For steering components:

of adagency, alphauserpoints, cbplugin, civicrm, cjblog, contact,

of contactacymailing, easyprofile, easysocial, emerald, extendedreg,

of grumpycontacts, jajobboard, jomsocial, juga, k2users, mightymembership, usergroup, of autologin

Other :

of acyboard, acymailinglatest, acymailinglistcreation, acymailingquickicon,

of acymailingsearch, acymailingsqueezepage, acymailingtoolbox, autotweetacymailing,

of ccuser, editnotification, exportmassaction, listowner, mod_quickicon_acymailing,

of plgfinder, universalfilter, universaltag, weekday

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