If money makes the world go round, find out which way on the website finance.com!
Find the user in the reviews of analysts and experts, hot news online, the main events of the world economy. All investments, Finance and business careers, stock quotes, economic indicators. Our template is the most convenient way to keep track of the most new economic information.
This month, GavickPro Studio Studio produces the template is written entirely in css, giving you full control over the styles and colors of the site. Easily customize your website and guide your visitors to a successful financial career.
An overview of the main features of the template:
100% block css layout. 10 preset color schemes, customize colors Built-in support for PhotoSlide GK3 component with exclusive design of the module Image Show. Built-in support for TabsManager GK3 component for displaying content in tabs with an exclusive design. Built-in support for module News Show Pro GK1. Built-in support for News Highlighter GK1 module. Built-in support for a new module weather Gavick Weather GK1. Built-in support for a new module quotes Gavick Stock GK1 Ability to disable the main unit on the main page of the site. The ability to supply any component at the place of the main block of the main page. Setting the width of the column. Adjusting the width of the caps (header). Simple to customize content of the footer from the admin panel. Built-in support WYSIWYG editor. 3 arrange the blocks. Spectacular inline style of display content. Gavick Suckerfish menu, with two built-in options – Suckerfish menu and Mootools. 34 different styles moomenu animation for. The possibility of including a notification to update the browser to IE6 loads Quickly, is simple and modern design cross browser compatibility