JSN Air – a light and light business template in the format of a portfolio website from the design Studio JoomlaShine. The developers have provided a template not only responsive design to work correctly on all devices regardless of screen resolution, but also provided integration with the popular designer content K2, which will facilitate a significant degree of content management. Also in the template there is an integration with Kunena component for the organization of a powerful forum in Joomla.
Template based on the Studio design JSN Framework which provides the template the possibility to manage color schemes, logo, module positions, fonts and other elements with the help of a special Manager of the settings available in the administrative section. The template quite successfully be used for the organizations blog or personal website.
Works with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x; Comes with 6 modular styles and 20 graphic items; Present the multilevel dropdown menu and 6 additional styles; there are 6 color schemes that are edited from admin panel; integration with Google fonts; Uses modern HTML5 and CSS3 technologies; provide support for RTL and LTR language;