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ZT Porticus v1.1.1 - a premium a template for Joomla

The selling page will be demanded if you need to put emphasis on sale of some concrete raw materials, info product, goods. Why at the same time doing
Manufacturer: Joomla CMS

CMS: Joomla 3.6/3.8
Type: template
Themes: Adaptive, Landings, Miscellaneous


Price: 5 USD

The selling page will be demanded if you need to put emphasis on sale of some concrete raw materials, info product, goods. Why at the same time emphasis on one-page website is placed? We will tell directly, here, as well as the psychology is involved in any advertizing.
we Will consider this subject in details. The main task of the selling website - to hold the visitor and having interested him in information to bring to purchase. All begins with the fact that the person receives the letter. The template of the letter is very attractive also in it only a limited portion of information. Other, he receives provided that, having clicked on the link, will pass to the one-page website.
Why one-page? Yes because on such website there shouldn't be so-called mental traps. Mental traps are derivations from the initial purpose. Remember the website of YouTube. Visiting this service, you watch one commercial, but then unexpectedly in a tape you see another with the attractive name, and behind it one more and more. And as a result jumping from one video on another, you forget why in general came. On "odnostranichnik" all in a different way. Here no, there is nothing superfluous and distracting from the set subject. Information moves in the certain portions. For example, in the first block the tremendous image of goods reflecting it in every sense and subtleties is located. Further - the presentation. It can be, as well as amusing infographics, and the video allowing "to hook" on the visitor of the website. As a rule, already at the level of the block with the presentation, the person begins to show emotions and represents himself with these goods together, feels it mentally and already kind of owns it. Further information more detailed, telling about trifles is issued and realizes completely the potential of the sold object. Well and at last a contact form of the application, the buy button or a subscription to info product with the subsequent acquisition.
the Vietnamese company "Zootemplate" suggests us to use its April template "ZT Porticus". The developer introduced a complete set of tools for control and stylization of your project. Here and "Drag & amp; Drop layout builder", allowing to change positions of blocks dragging of a mouse. And support of "Mega-menu" to which it is possible to add, both banners, and references, and even video. This menu serves as navigation according to all page. Of course, at your discretion the template can be made and multipage. There are no restrictions.
That content, the presentations and blocks in general answered a certain style, designers added "Zo2 Shortcode". This most powerful application expanding borders of "Joomla". Here and breakdown of the text on blocks and columns, and an opportunity to place the stylish block with the prices and discounts, both tabs, and "taba" and accordions and so on and so on and so on. Opportunities not to count – it is better to try.
Of course, the template answers all modern levels of languages - "CSS 3" and "HTML 5". The feature for work with Google-fonts is added and optimization of a code for search engines is made.
we won't forget to mention that all this is constructed on a company framework of a komaniya of "Zo2".
the One-page selling website is the very interesting project allowing to look at sale of goods and services in a new way. And application of the hi-tech template "ZT Porticus" in business - will cut competitors and will lift your mechanism of sales to high level.

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