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Cherry picker is the best module to filter the products in Hikashop. Suitable for any edition of the Start up Business.
No matter how many goods you have not had Cherry Picker is incredibly fast loading the page with the filtered products.Module Cherry Picker has many options, it can display anything you like. It is possible to display the filtered products dynamically, without reloading the page. You can download products from the filter follow the filter behind the filter, allowing customers to choose in order from top to bottom.
Even more options will give you a Fast seller - a special feature for managing product types. Thanks to the tight integration between Fast seller and Cherry picker, you will receive a number of other advantages, such as:
Use trackbars for any parameter, the Use of color filters the Use of rapid refinement fields to configure the individual settings for each filter.
Despite the fact that Hikashop is already integrated filter products, Cherry Picker is much more convenient and functional and Fast seller will speed up the process of goods distribution on the filters.