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Plug-in of payment of WebMoney for Virtuemart 2 and 3

Online payment plug-in through webmoney for virtuemart2 and 3
Plagin of WebMoney for virtuemart 2 and 3
Manufacturer: Virtuemart


Price: 5 USD

Plug-in of WebMoney for virtuemart 2 and 3
by means of this plug-in you can organize reception of payment in your shop through webmoney. For this purpose you have to have certificate of the seller, or reception of payment with the initial certificate with limits is possible.

& nbsp;

Total sale! Cheaper than at competitors. Without binding to the domain.

Plagin of payment through Webmoney. Is established on Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5/3.x + VirtueMart 2. * and 3. *
to accept webmoney needs to be had the certificate of the seller and to be registered in megadrain. Though When testing the shop managed to be registered and on the formal certificate subgoing on the passport data and contact pieces.
After installation of plug-in, clients of your online store will be able to pay purchases through WebMoney. Is established in the administrator's panel by standard image (The menu of Expansion - the Manager of expansions - Installation). After installation it is necessary to include plug-in in the manager of plug-ins.

we Enter the Trade name, we think out the Secret Key, we expose the POST and MD5 parameters (example on the image) and we enter references. Instead of the text we write the real address of your website in the references "vash_sayt".

Result URL: http://vash_sayt/index.php? option=com_virtuemart&view=pluginresponse&task=pluginnotification&tmpl=component&pelement=webmoney&format=raw

Success URL: http://ваш_сайт/plugins/vmpayment/webmoney/success.php

Fail URL: http://ваш_сайт/plugins/vmpayment/webmoney/fail.php

Control of plug-in in the administrative section of Virtuemart 2 and 3 shop

we Select the image of wmz.png (in the list there are images for all currencies) we enter the number of purse and we write Secret Key identical as in the settings. The plug-in of WebMoney payment for Virtuemart 2 and 3 is successfully established and ready to acceptance of payments.

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