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Export of goods to YML for Virtuemart

Manufacturer: Virtuemart


Price: 5 USD

Plagin has no Export of goods to YML v3.25a for Virtuemart

from any other functions except performance of standard export (unloading) of products from the database of shop основаннго on version VirtueMart cursor from 2.0.x, 2.6.x and 3.x inclusive. There is opportunity formation of the price list dynamically (unloading of data directly from VirtueMart in the YML format (or xml) at the request of the robot Yandex.Market) and also keeping structure of price of shop in the file, the reference to which needs to be transferred to Yandex or other service. Addition is established by

as usual plug-in of Joomla! After installation in the Manager of plug-ins it is necessary to find and include" of Export YML, Virtuemart ", having set the necessary parameters. After preservation of parameters it is necessary to try to make export. Export excludes possible doubles of goods in different categories.

we will take

"vendor.model" For any goods and its model. This is multiple-purpose, and Yandex.Market is recommended to the most convenient for the description of goods of the majority of categories. According to the scheme of this model, besides the main tags (the name, category, the price, currency, the image, existence or availability of goods under the order), expansion supports such tags as brand of the producer, model, product code, characteristics of goods (the adjusted fields of goods VirtueMart). It is possible to exclude the name of brand from the name of model so that the name of model on the website of shop coincided with the name of model at the producer of goods. If the scheme of work "vendor.model" for your shop is not necessary, it can be disconnected.

plug-in Parameters

  • Use of warehouse ( if costs value "yes", then availability of goods is considered by its quantity in the rest );
  • the Minimum rest of goods in warehouse;
  • the goods Price taking into account discounts and taxes;
  • the Price depending on packing (by the piece, packing, box);
  • Choice of fields of the description of goods short and/or full;
  • Opportunity to keep HTML marking in the description;
  • Tags & lt; vendor> and & lt; model> the producer and the name of model is;
  • Tag & lt; vendorCode> - the article of product; are available to Virtuemart 2.6 at choice of SKU, EAN, MPN value;
  • Tag & lt; sales_notes> - the note to goods, any text;
  • Tag & lt; oldprice> - the all-round price of goods for calculation of discount;
  • Tag & lt; market_category> - category of goods on Yandex.Market;
  • Tag & lt; typePrefix> - goods type;
  • Tag & lt; country_of_origin> - the manufacturing country;
  • Tag & lt; manufacturer_warranty> - guarantee of the producer, including the list of producers for which there is guarantee;
  • Tags & lt; delivery-options> - information on delivery of goods and its cost, considering the minimum cost of goods for free shipping. Can specify several conditions;
  • Tags & lt; param name= "xxxx" & gt; - the adjusted or special fields in Virtuemart;
  • Tag & lt; adult> for online stores with goods for adults;
  • Tag & lt; cpa> - participation of shop/goods in the Order program on the Market or inclusion of goods in price;
  • the Tags of available, pickup, delivery, delivery-options-cost, delivery-options-days, delivery-order-before, sales_notes, downloadable, country_of_origin (or "Country") (or "The order on the Market") it is also possible to specify by of market_category, cpa for each goods separately through of the same name "the Adjusted / Special fields" of goods. Their values have priority over the general in export options;
  • to Exclude the name of brand from the name of model. So, at the engaged option for the INDESIT BIAA 18 H refrigerator in price the brand of INDESIT, the BIAA 18 H model will be shown.
  • to Cut out the name of the country from the name of goods; the country the producer joins in the tag & lt; country_of_origin>
  • the List of categories which need to be engaged or excluded; the enclosed categories for the specified parental are considered;
  • the List of producers which goods are required to be included in price or to exclude
  • ;
  • the List of separate goods which need to be included in price or to exclude
  • ;
  • Transkodirovany Cyrillics in exiles;
  • Support group_id for the parent and his affiliated goods;
  • export Method – dynamic (by inquiry exile) or in the file;
  • Name of the file of export;
  • Can break price into several files with the specified max. quantity of goods in the file (it is useful if there are a lot of goods and the server lacks random access memory for formation of uniform price);

the Adjusted fields in Virtuemart available, pickup, delivery, downloadable needs to be created having chosen the Logical type, and the name of the field has to coincide precisely with specified letter in letter! It is obligatory to establish option" to to Hide " for all special fields YML which do not need to be displayed on the website. In plug-in the option "Use Warehouse" is activated, the condition of availability of product in the price list depends on quantity in the rest. let's designate that if available there is less specified size, the goods are specified only as "It is available under the order" or it is excluded from price depending on the chosen parameter. The value in card of goods works in the Adjusted field as available only with the disconnected warehouse when all goods by default are considered as available. The expansion given has no binding to domain name, has open source code, and in it there is no licensing (in difference from free on the basis of GNU GPL). Work of this expansion is limited to settings of the server. For the website with quantity of goods about 10 000 and time of unloading and the required memory is higher can exceed the limits which are taken away by hosting provider. Buying plug-in, you assume the solution of these questions and agree with the hosting on big increase in memory of work of scripts. Also, you should consider that this plug-in will not begin to work with SH404SEF <href= "products/sh404sef"> component. You will be helped in this case by the parameter of "the reference without SEF" which will allow to unload the correct absolute links. Upon transition according to such reference there is automatic readdressing on the SEF reference set by the optimizer of sh404sef .

& nbsp;

we Will make a reservation also about attribute & lt; typePrefix> - type of goods for any description of "vendor.model". For this purpose it is necessary to create in Virtuemart "The adjusted field" (Line or List type). To specify in parameters of plug-in of unloading of ID of this field as [ID of the field "Goods Type"], several ID through comma is possible. To fill value for each product. Because of existence of this Yandeks-Market attribute will be able to classify better your product, correlating it to the corresponding filters of search. If the goods do not get under the description of vendor.model, this field will be removed as standard, look & lt; param name= "xxxx" & gt;. Similar to of typePrefix can issue also the field: it is necessary to create for it the adjusted field to specify it by ID in unloading plug-in parameters [ID of the field "Model"].

Can use several ID, through comma. In parameters of unloading it is possible to set general meanings on delivery. To describe several delivery terms, specify in each floor several options through comma. The first option of each field will describe the first condition, the second - the second, etc. Apply special fields in Virtuemart, having specified goods individual delivery terms which have priority over the general. Names of special fields such, as: delivery-options-cost, delivery-options-days, delivery-order-before (the detailed description – in documentation of Yandex).

of For example:

of Value with the special fields cpa or the Order on the Market (any of these two names is allowed) can be 0, 1 and, no, participates, does not participate or the logical Yes/no type. In price it will be replaced with the corresponding standard value 0 or 1. Through this special field it is possible to steer inclusion or exception of goods from/in price. Create in shop on the basis of Virtuemart such special field with parameter ('0' and '1') or ('yes' and 'is not present') or ('participates' and 'does not participate'). Select in unloading parameters the option" the Order for the Market е" –" to Include goods in price " or "To exclude goods from price " and those goods, with value of cpa at which will correspond to the chosen option will be engaged or excluded from price.

Example the First: the option "Include Goods in Price"


Only goods with cpa = 1 (yes) will get to price, the others - are not present even if cpa is not set.

Example of the Second: the option "Exclude Goods from Price"

Only goods with cpa = 0 (are not present) will be excluded from price, the others - will get even if cpa is not set. the special field cpa is ignored by

With the option "It Is Not Used", not processed and not removed in price. Two other options – "The price is included" and "The price is disconnected" – match the description for "The order on the Market": all goods get to price, cpa in goods will be shown as it is set in the special field cpa (or not if there is no that).

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