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BreezingForms is a special plugin for Wordpress. He creates forms from simple to complex. With him everything is possible! If You are a professional and You have a website with a large attendance, the tools plugin will help to create multilevel forms. BreezingForms removes all restrictions that are present in Wordpress.
BreezingForms has a long history of innovations that were not even considered as a plugin for Wordpress. To the present day. The plugin is constantly evolving and brings a lot of new abilities. The developers monitor not only the functionality, but the quality BreezingForms.
Choose from more than 17 different types of fields to create the form that will be useful in Your case. The use of three built-in wizards to create forms that will be enjoyed by everyone. If you want to quickly create a form, you can enable QuickMode.
Create beautiful forms with responsive design without a single line of HTML and CSS. Choose from a huge number of preset themes. One of them just for You. If not, feel free to create your own design.
Several key features of the plugin:
Multi-page forms status Line download pre-installed themes Support for all screen resolutions Full set of necessary tools to create forms in responsive design Using captcha Support for widgets and shortcodes user-Friendly interface