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WooCommerce Wallet - the purse in Wordpress

WooCommerce Wallet is plug-in of WordPress which allows your clients to check/pay bills from the Purse, using funds which they had deposited already into the account
Manufacturer: Wordpress CMS


Price: 5 USD

WooCommerce Wallet - the purse in Wordpress

Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0 and the previous versions.

of WooCommerce Wallet is plug-in of WordPress which allows your clients to check/pay bills from the Purse, using funds which they had deposited already into the account.

It is the system of the purse in WooCommerce which allows users to pay for the account of means which they already put in the account, and allows the administrator to compensate the sum directly in the user's purse.

Wallet. Users with purses are listed in the table when the new user brings payment or the administrator will add means for this user, it will be added to the table. The administrator can add payment, withdraw funds or block balances of purses. If the balance of the user is blocked, he cannot use it for work any more.

Return of cash. the Size of cash can be established for any product or option in the account, it can be either exact value, or percent concerning the product price.

to Add means. you can add directly means to any purse of the user from the admin panel.

Requests for return of means. If you include return of means, the user will be able to send request for return, and the administrator can either return, or deny the request. The percent for return can be established on the page of settings of plug-ins.

History of transactions . Each transaction registers, the administrator can see all transactions and filter on it users. Each user can see the history of transactions on the page of the account.

Partial payments. If on the account is not enough rest, the available sum will be discounted from total amounts of basket, and the user will pay the rest with use of other payment method.

Credit products. Add new product with the indication of quantity and the price and establish category "WooCommerce Wallet Credit" to add new option of payment. Credit products do not appear in shop of deposits.

Using shortcode [fsww_deposit], the administrator can add contribution form which users can use for addition of funds for the account. The bar code can be used on the page in the form of widget.

Fast inserts:

[Fsww_deposit] - to Add contribution form.

[Fsw balance] - the Current balance of the account of the user.

[Fsww_transactions_history] - the Table of history of transactions of the current user.

Enciphering. the User accounts of purses are ciphered to make impossible manual change of the remains on accounts in the database.

English. Inside it is possible to em to translate language files .po </> into Russian.

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