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WordPress Documentation Builder is a unique plugin for your Wordpressсайта, allows to create documentation for your website, product or feature on the website. You will be able to create documentation files of any complexity and to publish them directly to the website that will be available on a separate link.
The plugin works perfectly on any device ranging from desktop computers to mobile devices. The plugin also supports all types of browsers. You dont have to read boring documentation, and to understand the work of the plugin, WordPress Documentation Builder is absolutely easy to use, just install, activate and enjoy his work.
You can create documentation on their website, you can sort them by creating unique sections and hierarchy of your documents. ПлагинWordPressDocumentationBuilder replace popular programs such as LibreOffice Wordи, you will be able to create the documentation directly on your website.
Key features WordPress plugin Builder Documentation:
Short-codes for segregating and displaying documentation; Support selectors in plug-ins; Support for breadcrumbs on all devices; User sorting of the documents; Create a convenient hierarchy for documents according to the sections.