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Whether you love to use and analyze the information that is available in the field "note to order"? Perhaps you love to study details in third-party applications, such as Excel? Forget about these problems, stop jumping from place to place to study for more information to order.
WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields will allow your team to use WooCommerce as a complete system for customer relationship management, since ordering information will be centralized and in one place on your website.
All order details, notes, fields, and additional information can be simplified, allowing you to standardize order details, keep all order information in WooCommerce and not scattered across multiple systems.
What can the WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields?
To create order details that you can edit, modify and delete, without having to leave the control panel WooCommerce; Centralization of parts orders, which can easily edit any of the team members; to Sort or filter orders, and display them depending on user preferences; Hide optional fields for your customers to show only the most needed; eliminating the need for spreadsheets and other external systems to control notes and details of their orders; Optimization of CRM system by centralizing your WooCommerce website; Create effective management and control of their orders.