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WooCommerceForce Sells extension allows you to link products together, so that when you add any product to cart, all related products will be added automatically. It is useful to supply the related services or required product to another.
For example, if you are selling iPad glass repair as a service, you can link a new glass for the iPad, as a linked service, and to provide, for example, the protective film as a gift.
There are two types of services:
The usual bunch, where regular products will be added to the cart along with the main product, in the same quantity as configured for the primary product. Added products can be easily removed, and their number can be changed in the shopping cart by the customer. The second method of synchronized sales products are very similar to the first. The only difference is that customers are unable to delete synced items from the cart or change their quantity. In that case, if the main product is removed, synchronized products will also be removed. The same thing happens with a number of them. If the quantity of the underlying product changes, the quantity of all synchronized products will also vary depending on the number of remote key products.