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Storefront WooCommerce Pricing Tables is a Wordpress plugin for your online store on WooCommerce, which allows you to add attractive pricing tables on the web page of their project.
Storefront WooCommerce Pricing Tables is a Wordpress plugin that is an effective way to indicate the difference between a small number of products or tariff of its services. The list of features between different types of subscriptions or complex products will allow you to beautifully display pricing and quickly get to the purchase button.
Features WooCommerce Storefront Pricing Tables:
Add your own pricing with ease. Just use an automatic generator short years for any post or page to insert a table of prices and customize the display options and content. In a specialized visual editor you can easily customize the appearance to match your brand. Choose your own header, colors and backgrounds to attract the attention of visitors.
Easy to add tables with prices. With any number of columns and with easy mapping using short-code; Adding columns with different content and the ability to select specific columns in a table; Customizable look through the intuitive control in the visual editor and preview.