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WooCommerce Advance Order Status is a plugin for your online store on WooCommerce, which allows you to add different statuses to your goods. The plugin supports the following statuses: product order before the goods are shipped, the seller expects of loading, the goods are delayed and so on. The plugin supports different statuses for payment, such as solely cash or Bank transfer.
For each status you will be able to send notifications by email to any user, to notify them about changes in the status of the product and send any further alarms. You can also set color for each order status to identify it easily on the page, view orders in the admin panel. The statuses that you create can also be included in the WooCommerce reports that they were more detailed and convenient for study.
The extension comes with a settings page where the administrator can add / edit statuses or delete them. Install and configure custom email notifications, colors and so on... unlike other free and premium plugins, WooCommerce Advance Order Status is less cluttered, it is easy to configure and use on an intuitive level.
Key features WooCommerce Advance Order Status:
The order status for each of the products for WooCommerce; Notification via email with variable themes, headers and HTML messages; the Ability to set color for each order status; Fully translated plugin with the ability to load your own translation; Easy to install and use the plugin Support for WooCommerce 2.1.x to 2.2.x and 2.3.x versions; Detailed documentation on configuring and working with the plugin.