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SJ Listing (Ajax, Responsive, Tabs)

Manufacturer: Joomla CMS


Price: 5 USD

SJ Listing, SJ Listing Ajax, SJ Listing Responsive Module, SJ Listing Tabs

are acquired by of Expansion on subscription and do not imeet third-party code and references

of SJ Vm Listing (SJ Virtuemart Listing) - the Demo - the module of display of goods for Virtuemart. This module is developed by SmartAddons studio. 575kb.


  • of mod_sj_vm_listing_j17_v1.x.x for Joomla 1.7.x and Virtuemart 1.9.x
  • of mod_sj_vm_listing_j17_v2.1.0 for Joomla 1.7.x and Virtuemart 2.0
  • of mod_sj_vm_listing_j17-j25_v1.0 for Joomla 1.7.x, Joomla 2.5.x and Virtuemart 2.0.x
  • of mod_sj_vm_listing_j17-j25_v1.1 for Joomla 1.7.x, Joomla 2.5.x and Virtuemart 2.0.x it is updated from 11/17/2012

& nbsp;

of SJ Zoo Listing - the Demo - the SJ ZOO Listing Module for the websites under control of Joomla allows to remove set of headings of articles, announcements or cards of goods in one block, and for each element detailed information will be shown when aiming at it or at the corresponding navigation button. In the module there are four built-in subjects with various design and different visual effects. Also at SJ Zoo Listing there is possibility of change of pages with short descriptions of materials by means of the menu of scrolling. 143kb

  • of mod_sj_zoo_listing_j17-j25_v1.0.0 for Joomla 1.7.x and Joomla 2.5.x

& nbsp;

of SJ Content Listing - the Demo - this new solution of SmartAddons which displays categories of articles on the website in new look . 293kb

  • of mod_sj_content_listing_J17-J25_v2.5.0 for Joomla 1.7.x and Joomla 2.5.x
  • of mod_sj_content_listing_j25-j3x-res_v3.0.0 for Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x

& nbsp;

of SJ K2 Listing - - is intended to the Demo by blank for K2 of the Joomla 1.7, 2.5 component and 3.x. In it you can set number of columns with elements, as well as quantity of elements, format of opening of the page with the full text: in the same window, in new tab or in pop-up window. There is set of options of display of articles with sorting according to various parameters and there is opportunity to take pictures from external sources. 404kb

  • of mod_sj_k2_listing_j17 for Joomla 1.7.x
  • of mod_sj_k2_listing_j25 for Joomla 2.5.x
  • of mod_sj_k2_listing_j25-j3x_res_v2.0.0 for Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x

& nbsp;

- the Demo - for content supports by of SJ Content Listing Ajax Ajax to load more details, allows to adjust very flexibly quantity of elements which are loaded. This plug-in is developed for contents of component and is compatible to Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x. 59kb

  • of plg_sj_content_listing_ajax_j25-j3x_v1.0.0 for Joomla 1.7.x, Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x

& nbsp;

- <" _ blank" rel= "nofollow"> the Demo - is intended to of SJ K2 Listing Ajax by a href= "" target= for work with the popular editor of content of K2 in Joomla 2.5 and In it you will be able to adjust the maximum quantity of elements shown on one page. Also inclusion or switching off of numbering of pages is provided in the module. 57kb

  • of plg_sj_k2_listing_ajax_j25-j3x_v1.0.0 for Joomla 2.5, Joomla 3.x and K2 from version 2.6.6

& nbsp;

by of SJ Content Responsive Listing - the Demo - the adaptive list is used for display of all articles in categories which are placed above. The audience can optimize for sorting of articles or change viewing of articles (look the grid/list). Specially, at the administrator you can choose quantity of columns which is suitable with various sizes of the screen for representation. And when you will guide at everyone the image, on the image point will appear if you look for by means of Google. It is pleasant to you? We consider that with these functions, you should not miss the module. 650kb

  • of mod_sj_content_responsive_listing_j3x_v1.2.0 for Joomla 3.x
  • of mod_sj_content_responsive_listing_j3x_v1.1.1 for Joomla 3.x
  • of mod_sj_content_responsive_listing_j25-j3x_v1.1.0 for Joomla 2.5.x and Joomla 3.x
  • Installation of for the module of version 1.1.0
  • of mod_sj_content_responsive_listing_j17-j25_v1.0 for Joomla 1.7.x and Joomla 2.5.x
  • Installation of reslisting_ajax plugin_v1.0 for version 1.0 module

& nbsp;

of SJ Responsive Listing for Zoo - the Demo is the module intended to bring cool, fresh and inspiring view of any websites based on characteristics of ZOO component. 366kb

  • of mod_sj_responsive_listing_for_zoo_j25-j3x-res_v1.0.0 for Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x
  • of mod_sj_responsive_listing_for_zoo_j3x-res_v1.0.1 for Joomla 3.x above

& nbsp;

of SJ JoomShopping Responsive Listing (SJ JS Responsive Listing) - the Demo is useful module from known web of JoomShopping studio which is created especially for component of JoomShopping online store. At the expense of this module it is possible to make without special problems on the website interesting show-window of goods. Allows to bring goods out of one or several categories Joomshopping. The main advantage is that production of online store will be displayed equally well both on mobile devices, and on desktop computers. Operation of the module requires installation of plug-in which is also available to downloading. 184kb

  • of plg_sj_js_reslisting_ajax_j25-j3x-res_v1.0.0 plug-in for the module
  • of mod_sj_js_reslisting_j25-j3x-res_v1.0.0 for Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x, JoomShopping 3.13.x,4.1.x above

& nbsp;

of SJ K2 Listing Tabs v1.0.1 - the Demo - the Module displays products according to categories or fields of article. It means that you can organize your categories in the form of tabs or attributes of set to article as tabs. 365kb

  • It is compatible to Joomla! 3.x
  • It is compatible to K2 2.6.x

of SJ Content Listing Tabs - the Demo - Powerful Joomla 2.5 and 3.x the module for creation professionally of the list from content.
you can organize the content according to categories or fields of article, such as: the name, recently added, the majority of viewings and streamlining. Each tab is available with heading, tab badge which has received from the image Params, the Image the Description or Extend the folder and can be adjusted. 181kb

  • of mod_sj_listing_tabs_j25_j3x_v1.0.0 for Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x

& nbsp;

of SJ VM Listing Tabs (SJ Virtuemart Listing Tabs) - the Demo - Tabs for Virtuemart. For categories and tabs, the module allows to establish the maximum length for category of heading, category badge and also streamlinings of categories by name, creations or in a random way. It also supports to receive icon of the image from various sources and to change their size as your desires. For product tabs Area, you can choose what tabs for display, such as: name, ID, the best sales, the latest, at the price... 191kb

  • of mod_sj_vm_listing_tabs_j25-j3x-res_v1.0.1 for Joomla 2.5.x, Joomla 3.x, VirtueMart 3.0.x
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