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Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form PRO

Manufacturer: Joomla CMS


Price: 5 USD

Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form PRO v3.4.14

Open for yourself the ideal module with effect of Ajax - the Emerging contact form developed for Joomla! CMS.


First of all uses tremendous visual effect you can use it on the website, such as smooth slippage, impressive effects, emergence the lightbox of window or display on the place with possible effects accordions. As you see, your opportunities are almost not limited. There are more key features, ideal contact forms, since convenient loading, excellent protection against spam, on unlimited number of forms and fields which you can use. To study our ready models which are adaptive you you can adjust easily for your needs. It does not matter if you need option - Call back to me, the application or form of the order, form of representation of support of tiket or poll - the ideal contact form will meet your requirements. Try, it is simple!


it is not surprising why more than 13500 + users have created tens of thousands of forms through which they have received millions of messages from the users from the website. This product perfectly is suitable as for ordinary users, and web developer, it is very simple in control and if you want to potter with it, you can make it with wide variety of options of control. You do not need to be expert in Joomla! In it there are no additional surcharges for additional functions - you buy all-water to which developers constantly add new functions and integration with various contents and information tikt systems, such as: ZOO, SobiPro, JomSocial, Community Builder, AcyMailing, Freshmail and Mailchimp.

does not matter whether you want small form or very difficult application - their creation with this product actually children's game!

the Tab moves smoothly and smoothly when opening and displays of contact form. Toggler tab which displays expansion in the Lightbox window - to forget about boring Lightbox. Now you can display contact form in the lightbox with all new animation, including effects of drive of Lightbox, such as: rotatation effect and two huge effects. The standard static module from contact form, for example in the side panel or in contents of article. Accordion effect - you can also display perfect form of contact piece on the place to effect of accordion on it you can probably remember forms. ITunes or Google Search Graphics. Your contact form should not be boring. Try! Module Toggler tab positions: at the left, on the right, from above, from below, static colors of fields and buttons, button/tab Toggler: black, blue, gray, green, Lightblue, orange, pink, red, violet, white, yellow. Colors of background: black, gray, light gray, white or to define the user colors in configuration.

the Translucent background - the ideal contact form can block to you page contents, but it is not obligatory. You can establish translucent background which one more abrupt effect is.


the Unlimited number of forms can be published by

  • on one page.
  • Unlimited number of fields of type: the text, name, the e-mail address, phone, subject, text field, choose the list, the multiple choice of the list, one tag, group tags, radio stations of group, collector of data with the calendar, the password.
  • Sorting of fields with Drag& Drop. Weeding Split on columns. Each field can have emerging hints and checks by rules, can be required or not.
  • to Show to
  • tags: line with fields, from above or inside. Display of the text or HTML-code between fields of form.
  • Loading of the files chosen by means of the button or by Drag& Drop to establish: the extreme size, restriction files, expansion types - demo.
  • to Attach files directly by e-mail or in the form of references to the files which are stored on the server.
  • the Improved protection against spam without any codes, but can be included by still CAPTCHA.
  • Several recipients of e-mail, BCC to respond to e-mail, the user's Joomla as the recipient.
  • the Dropping-out list of recipients. Automatic filling of user name and the e-mail address if to log in.
  • to Send the copy of the letter to the sender. To send the automatic answer. Choose template of e-mail HTML from the list of files or to define template of the text of e-mail in configuration.
  • Installation of the user messages and subject of the message. The system of tickets - adds to subordinate to ID on the basis of unique date and time or number of the counter.
  • Installation of the user Toggler of names of tab to display it vertically or horizontally or to hide it.
  • the Track - Information, about the user: IP address, browser, operating system, display resolution. Heading of the Track and URL page from which has been sent by e-mail. The page redirection of URL after sending e-mail.
  • of Google Analytics Tracking. Viewing of the page or event after sending e-mail. Google AdWords and trackings of conversion. Microsoft AdCenter. Integration Google Docs - export values of form in Google Tables Open form from menu item, images or the references Preload of value of fields about URL or the reference.
  • Auto-opening on the page of loading, either when scrolling, or at the exit - when the mouse pointer passes
  • over the upper edge of the page (experimental, not always works in IE 7 and 8).
  • for
  • of the Car opening of the counter - it is open for the first X-times after updating of the page and the chosen event. Auto-opening and delay - if is opened by the user not earlier. Autoclosing and delay - if it is not closed by the user earlier. Close other Perfect-Web when opening contact form.


Call back to

  • - Feedback
  • Fast forms of contact piece - booking
  • Support of questions and the application for work
  • Polls: Ask about product (redShop, VirtueMart)
  • Contact forms


  • of AcyMailing - adds users of e-mail to the list of mailing
  • of Freshmail - adds users of e-mail to the list of mailing
  • of Mailchimp - adds users of e-mail to the list of mailing
  • of Community Builder and JomSocial - sends mail to the user
  • of SobiPro - sends e-mail to the owner of record
  • of Zoo - sends the letter to the owner of point
  • Documents of Google - export values of form to Google tables


  • of Joomla 2.5.x - 3.x
  • of HTML5 and CSS3
  • All modern browsers, IE9 +, partially IE7-8 RTL, mobile, adaptive with support
  • New clients can use only the version 3.x.
  • We do not support Joomla any more! 1.5, 1.6, 1.7.


TRANSFERS - are transferred to more than 35 languages. The majority of the translations have been made manually, but some forms the translations become by means of Google and Bing. Nevertheless, you can easily translate forms into any language. Interface the translation includes: English, Arab, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese simplified, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, French, Finnish, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malayan, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian , Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

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