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Partner program for JoomShopping

The multilevel partner program for JoomShopping on Joomla 2.5.6 and 3.4 +
Manufacturer: Joomshopping


Price: 5 USD

Multilevel Partner Program for JoomShopping (Joomla 2.5.6 — Component

It is unique : Our main feature besides the price is that our component has no third-party codes and bindings to domain name. Thereby any webmaster will be able not only to put this component to himself on any website without restrictions, but also to work with open source code!

Multilevelness of the organization - you will be able to designate what quantity of degrees and there will be enough levels in your partner system (from 1, up to 5), at the same time the percent of partner remuneration is specified for each level.

Individual percent to partners - the share of the partner fee to any partner will allow to appoint personal according to the specified degree.


the individual percent for products - you will be able to appoint to any goods personal percent of commission charges, according to the appointed degree in partnyorka. This meteoparameter has the most important advantage, than personal percent (%) of the partner.

Cash or discount - you will be able to pick up convenient method of encouragement of your partners: payment by hard cash or providing with single bonuses (in the necessary sum of commission charges) at commission of the order in shop. Or provide the choice to each partner. </>

Mass payments - Probability it is essential to p to force payments of commission charges with support of service of numerous payments by WebMoney, cash or Yandex money

the System of bonuses for the purpose of attraction of referrals - you will be able to make active this concept and to provide considerable discount from involvement of buyers of these consumers that have switched according to partner hyperlink. Besides your partners will have other method of the invitation of acquaintances - they will begin to inform own friends, giving them own login which can be used as the coupon on discount. After use of the coupon such users also become the partner's referrals. You can also individualize the discount size for referrals of each partner. </> the Editor of fields - in order that the ordinary buyer has become br the Partner, it should enter auxiliary data (purse, the website, other data and so forth) in special form what to you you will be able to supplement and edit giving it the unique look (text areas, the dropping-out lists, radio buttons, tags).

At this stage, the partner is obliged to get acquainted with criteria of the partner contract (usual material which you will specify in settings of component) and to accept them.

the Detailed statistics at the partner - at individual office of the partner is shown to

the detailed statistics according to any referral (are grouped according to levels) and according to single applications. Besides the monthly statistics with installation of transitions according to partner hyperlink, numbers of applications and scales the fees is displayed. Each value can be detailed.

Detailed statistics at the administrator - the head is capable to look through data on transitions according to partner hyperlink at any partner, number of applications of the partner and his referrals, to watch data on referrals in any degree, to look at history of charges and payments of remunerations

partner joomshopping system


- the Joomla 2.5.6 Version, 3.x above

- the JoomShopping 3.16.0 Version above, JoomShopping 4.2 above

- to Install component ( through the manager of expansions.

you need to razarkhivirovat at first archive and only then to establish its contents.


1) to Enter administrator's part of component (Components-> Referral JS system). To press digging of "Control" and to adjust component under your needs. If not to bring control, then the component will correctly not work.

2) In the menu to create point for entrance of the registered users to the Private office.

3) at will, it is also possible to create menu item for editing data of the partner

4) to Enter in the manager of fields (Components-> Referral JS system)-> the Manager of fields ") and to create fields necessary for you which will be filled only by partners at registration.

5) In the admin panel on the tab Banners ", you can load images for banners and tie to them references to the necessary pages of the website or to leave the reference on main

6) On the tabs of Category " and Goods ", you can switch on and off additional promo-materials, references to concrete goods and categories.

7) On the Exception tab " you can exclude certain goods from the partner program and also to appoint individual percent to each goods.

Partner program for JoomShopping - Reviews and comments:
Илья 08.12.2018
Не работает версия joomla 3/9 joomshoping 4/18/2 Белый экран при нажимании на настройки!!! В чем дело?
Negative: Не работает
Алина 03.10.2018
Работает на php 7 ?
Андрей 25.06.2018
Добрый день! Писал в поддержку , но ответа так и нет. Пишу сюда. Скачал, распаковал и установил компонент "Многоуровневая партнёрская программа для JoomShopping" . Но он не работает. При переходе / Компоненты -> Реферальная система JS / появляется белый экран и все. Обратился на хостинг там тоже не помогли. Установил на другой сайт, тоже самое не работает. Подскажите в чем дело.
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