Have you always wanted to use a powerful text editor that is comparable to the functionality of Textmate, SublimeText or Notepad++ directly on the pages of your website? Well, the day has come. RokPad provides a rich set of features and capabilities that were previously only available in desktop editors, and all this right in your admin panel.
The plugin supports useful features such as saving the document without reloading the page (Ajax), syntax highlighting, the presence of several pre-defined custom themes, multiple text selection, hotkeys support, multilingual support, and many other amazing possibilities.
RokPad is not a WYSIWG editor, this is a serious editor for professional developers. With RokPad adding content stops being a chore and turns into a real pleasure.
System requirements:
Joomla 2.5.x (recommended using latest version) Compatible browsers: Firefox 4+, Chrome, Safari, IE9+, Opera (Internet Explorer 7 and earlier versions are not supported, Internet Explorer 8 provides limited functionality)
Syntax highlighting Support for CSS, HTML, JavaScript, JSON, LESS, Markdown, PHP, SQL, Plain Text, Textile, XML and Ajax etc. - save and auto-save your data. Save, cancel, reset, a Goto transition, an advanced search function “find and replace”, full screen mode. Configuring theme, font size, code folding, the display of invisible characters, automatic indentation when printing, backlight highlighted text. 26 available the Easily modifiable sizes workspace Support for keyboard shortcuts Support multiple selections auto-Completion of HTML tags (you enter <div> RokPad automatically closes the tag <div></div>) Special short and versatile tags Drag & Drop text between tabs in the browser, and between the compatible desktop applications (supported on Firefox, Chrome, IE10 and Safari 6+)
Russian language for RokPad 2 :