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Qiwi payment for JoomShopping

Payment module "Qiwi of REST for JoomShopping"
Manufacturer: Joomshopping



Price: 5 USD

By means of the payment module "Qiwi of REST for JoomShopping" you with ease will be able to adjust payment of orders in your online store through Qiwi Wallet payment service provider (through the new protocol - REST). The REST protocol allows to send notices to the server of your shop at the time of payment of account - therefore the status of the order will automatically change on "Is paid" (or other status chosen by you in settings). Also now bill can be made out not only for phones of residents of the Russian Federation, but also for phones of the following countries: Kazakhstan, Armenia, Great Britain, Georgia, USA, Ukraine, Turkey and others...

This expansion does not contain licenses and any bindings to the domain and other harmful references.

Through Qiwi Wallet payment service provider buyers can make payment by the following modes:

  • Cash via terminals
  • from the account of the mobile phone (MTS, Megafon, Beeline)
  • by means of Web Money
  • through purse of Qiwi
  • Cash cards (Visa and MasterCard)

of the Requirement

  • of of Joomla : of Joomla 2.5 (2.5.6 and above), Joomla 3 (3.1.0 and above)
  • of JoomShopping : 3.2 above, 4.2 and above
  • Version of PHP : 5.2 above

Connection to the Qiwi Wallet system:

  1. Be registered on the website Qiwi Visa Wallet and to create shop.

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Settings of Office of Qiwi

Screen 1. The page of settings of shop

Go with

  1. to the Control tab
  2. Pass into menu item "Protocols / Data of shop"

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  1. on the Authentication Data for All Protocols page and press on "To generate new ID".
  2. In pop-up window you obtain data, as on screenshot above. They need to be written down and brought in settings of the module, after its installation." the User ID " will need to be entered in the field" of ID API ". And" the Password" - in the field" the Password for API "

Setting Up the REST Protocol — Qiwi

Screen 2. Setting up the REST (PULL) protocol

Having scrolled slightly below the page you will see the following data:

    1. the Identifier of shop - will need to be entered in the field" of ID shop " in module nastroka.
    2. Include the PULL (REST) protocol
    3. Include notices
    4. Press the button" to Change the password of notifications ". In pop-up window the password will appear - write down it. It will need to be entered in the field" the Password for notifications " settings of the module. Press the button" to Confirm " in window with the password.
    5. Click with
    6. in checkbox near inscription " the Signature "
    7. of URL of notifications - it is necessary to enter the address In this field: http://vash_domen/? option=com_jshopping& controller=checkout& task=step7& js_paymentclass=pm_qiwi& act=notify.
    8. Press the button" to Keep ".

Installation and setup of the payment module of Qiwi of REST:

the Module is installed by

  1. through component of JoomShopping online store!
  2. for this purpose in the admin panel pass with
  3. into Components -> of JoomShopping -> Installation and updating .
  4. Specify by
  5. the file from the computer and press "to Load"
  6. Now we go to tab" with of the Option " (or Components -> of JoomShopping -> of the Option ).
  7. Click
  8. on "Payment method"
  9. Click the link of Qiwi in the table
  10. Go to the Configuration tab

Settings of the Payment Module of Qiwi of REST for JoomShopping

Screen 3. Settings of the payment module of Qiwi of REST

  1. of of ID shop - needs to enter" the Identifier of shop " (1)
  2. of ID API - It is necessary to enter" the User ID " (2)
  3. the Password for API - It is necessary to enter" the Password " (3)
  4. the Password for notifications - It is necessary to enter the password the Password received when pressing the button "by for notifications " (4)
  5. the Reference for notifications - This address at you has to be entered in setting up the REST (5) protocol
  6. Ruble exchange rate - the Qiwi works only at present with Russian rubles therefore if in your shop other currency is established, it is necessary to specify converting course. For example, if you have the main currency - Dollar, then specify dollar exchange rate to ruble. For example, 35.
  7. to
  8. In three dropping-out lists at the very bottom, it is necessary to expose the corresponding statuses of orders.
  9. Press the Keep and Close button. Make sure that the module is published.
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