Ajans – stylish and creative business template in the format of the landing page, from a professional team OptimumTheme. The template has a stunning full-screen responsive slider which will work well on mobile phones and tablets. Optimization Ajans are made to work with two powerful components to implement a blog on Joomla and with K2 and EasyBlog.
Layout Ajans is executed in an adaptive format to complete the work layout on mobile phones and tablets. In this case, the template is Warp 7 Framework with whose help an administrator will be able to configure module positions (by default, the template provides 24 modular positions and several module suffixes), color schemes, typography and other elements.
Ajans comes with 5 predefined color schemes, support for integration of Google maps, the output videos in modal Windows, functional animated effects in JS technologies, multi-level dropdown menus, social media integration and other elements that will allow you to organize creative and functional website, corporate style.
Works with Joomla 3.x; the Developers have made compression of JS and CSS files; In the development were used LESS, CSS# HTML5 technologies; In the development involves a set of tools UIkit; additional 3 bonus pages; an Integrated feature of smooth scrolling to the top of the site; Provided a fixed main menu; Supports language display in RTL and LTR format; Integrated OFF-Canvas menu for mobile devices; Apply a Parallax effect when you scroll the main page; Template comes with documentation and demo content for quick start.