At this point, the content management system Joomla is one of the best, because using Joomla in combination with the template IT HeadLine 2, it is possible to develop a website of any type and any level of complexity.
Template IT HeadLine 2 has a very wide range of functions, among which is a new organization module slideshow – IceCarousel module to display weather, a few menu types, a large number of module positions, search the site for Ajax, fast loading due to the compression of CSS and JavaScript files, as well as by optimizing the images. IT HeadLine 2 is designed for use in projects news and magazine type sites.
8 different styles; drop down menu (Drop Down and Other); Improved site navigation (usability); Design built on a grid layout; it is based on a three column layout (could easily switch to 2 and 3 column layout); Font Switcher; Compressed CSS and JavaScript with Gzip and optimized images; Fully tableless design based on CSS; Compatibility with Joomla 1.5; Predefined modules: IceSlider, IceAccordion, IceCarousel and IсeSlideShow; Module to display the weather Module in the site search Ajax; A large number of module positions; Provided with the original materials (DB, PSD, Fonts); Correct work in modern browsers; Correct work with IE6;