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JoomShaper - premium templates

Premium templates of 2012-2015 from JoomShaper with the updated versions of 2016.
Manufacturer: Joomla CMS


Price: 5 USD

the Premium templates of 2012-2015 from JoomShaper with the updated versions ( of 2016)

Templates directly on subscription, without third-party references

of Empire v1.3 - template On Joomlal 3.6+ with Quickstart generally for real estate agencies and other related projects. This template can be used for specification in the field of marketing and sales of the elite real estate, new developments, odnoskomnatny inhabited apartments, rent and many other things. (Weight 29mb) In archive: empire_quickstart_j3, empire_template_j3, shaper_empire_settings_UNZIP_FIRST .

It is compatible to Joomla 3.6 ( Including fast start) — Demonstration | <href= "" target=" _ blank" rel= "nofollow"> Developer

the Empire has been created as the Joomlal 3.6+ template with Quickstart generally for the real estate of real estate agency and other related projects. This template can be used for specification in the field of marketing and sales of the elite real estate, new developments, one-family inhabited both rest and rent and many other things. We also recognize that each buyer and the seller has equally equal and very individually. with this thinking that we approach, working at this template. We unite it with inherent understanding and knowledge of our clients, their purposes, requirements and design of taste. This surprising product offers set of improbable opportunities even the new SP Property component. to It manages to balance force and beauty therefore experience of quality viewing for all users, and not just Real Estate.
Previously made contents in the empire the Fast Start can be your best friend, especially if your schedule does not allow you to start from scratch.

It is the multipurpose Empire sympathetic the template will help yours of business growth or grow, give the chance to present beautiful apartments, buildings for sale (rent). Inside Quickstart only you will find mulitool, to drag also falling of SP Page Builder Pro so you can easily adjust everything, and soon Page & amp; 404 pages. And the last, but not least, it goes from the advertizing spaces allowing to place advertizing everywhere where you want them. It uses Joomla 3.6, SP of property, AcyMailing, IP Prostoy portfolio and Helix 3 Framework (with Bootstrap 3 inside). the Clean model follows current trends of design and offers as box and open planning and also. This template of Magazine / News is the translation is ready and can be translated very easily. It supports the languages written in right on the left the direction (support RTL).

of JS Shaper Travel — fine template of tourist subject for CMS Joomla 2.5 and 3. x from JoomShaper developers. This template works at company platform Helix Framework , which provides fast loading of pages , the optimized code and set of modular positions. Number of club expansions is part of assembly: SP Quick Booking Module , News Show SP2 , Slideshow Pro SP2 and Simple Image Gallery Module , and also support of the K2 component and additional styles to it is available. In template has presented convenient expansion of booking and the order of numbers via the website , which perfectly need during creation of the websites of hotels and hotels. ( Weight 34mb) In archive: plg_system_helix_v.1.9.9 , shaper_travel_quickstart_j3 , shaper_travel_quickstart_j25 , shaper_travel_sources , shaper_travel_template_only_j25_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x and 2.5 ( Including fast start) — Demonstration | <href= "https://www.joomshaper. com/joomla-templates/travel "target=" _ blank" rel= "nofollow"> Developer

& nbsp;

of JS Shaper Extreme v 1.3 - template , developed specially under Joomla 2.5 and 3. x , studio of professionals JoomShaper . By means of this template at you it to turn out to create excellent website business card , portfolio or the website for business . the Template works at basis of the excellent Helix Framework platform , which has included Twitter Bootstrap. The design of the model of template includes 6 schemes of color registration. The template supports the original SP Smart Slider module , allowing to show images with the help slideshow .

(Weight 36mb) In archive: extreme_source , plg_system_helix_v.1.9.9 , shaper_extreme_quickstart_j3 , shaper_extreme_quickstart_j25 , shaper_extreme_template_only_j25_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x and 2.5 ( Including fast start) — Demonstration | <href= "https://www. "target=" _ blank" rel= "nofollow"> Developer

& nbsp;

of Shaper optima or of JS Shaper Optima v1.2 — professional multipurpose Jumla template , the web developed design JoomShaper studio , it is compatible to Joomla of versions 3. x. The original design has in assortment of 6 options of registration , has sympathetic functions , the supporting tablet and mobile platforms. The template has been developed on Helix V2 Framework , the provided full access to settings of all elements of the model. In Shaper Optima there is the whole set of dynamic functions , functional support of club expansions and K2 component , which provides flexible steering of the website materials Joomla. JS Shaper Optima perfectly will be suitable for front lines the Internet of projects of different subject.

(Weight 22mb) In archive: shaper_optima_quickstart_j3 , shaper_optima_required_extensions_UNZIPFIRST , shaper_optima_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

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of Shaper Xeon or of JS Xeon v1.5th with big set various functional modules. The built-in plug-in of Shortcode allows to post modules on the website by means of short teams ( short-codes). By means of set of modules to create the modern one-page website for any type of business , corporate resource or personal blog. The set of available interactive counters peculiar for all modern websites . Three presets with sets of dynamic modules are the main distinctive features of template. To create portfolio with dynamically loaded images on the chosen categories , sections Client testimonial and Pricing Table , various slideshow , vertical and horizontal taba , charts of Google in this template it is possible without additional installation of modules.

(Weight 14mb) In archive: shaper_xeon_quickstart_j3 , shaper_xeon_required_extensions_unzip_first , shaper_xeon_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper Awetive v1.4 or of JS Shaper Awetive — the template which is professionally executed Jumla the business of subject intended for construction of the websites from the famous design JoomShaper team , Joomla 3 developed under current versions. x. Shaper Awetive has stylish appearance and has set of 6 color sets , which can easily be adjusted under the needs in the built-in manager of settings.

(Weight 25mb) In archive: shaper_awetive_quickstart_j3 , shaper_awetive_required_extensions_UNZIPFIRST , shaper_awetive_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

the Template of Shaper istore II or of iStore 2 v1.3 - excellent multipurpose , working at Joomla of versions 3. x in assistance with the Virtuemart component. Width of use of template support blog-component K2 and the new model with the involved SP Smart Slider. Helix Framework platform , used for this template , </> it is considered span the most sympathetic and multifunctional for Joomla and Wordpress. Model , sympathetic and flexible with ease adapts under the browser used by the user , it is not dependent on the device , the website used for viewing. For control of style of the website several ready color css of styles are presented.

(Weight 50mb) In archive: mod_sp_clients , shaper_istore_ii_quickstart_j3 , shaper_istore_ii_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper vocal or of JS Shaper Vocal v1.5 — excellent template in dark tones for the musical portal , presented by developers of the known design studio JoomShaper. Contains original design of template of 6 preset stylistics and possibility of flexible change of the background image. The list of expansions , which allow not only to work easily with materials on resource , but also to play various videos and audio files. The new module entering assembly Audio player can lose on the website tracks , and even whole albums , which are loaded on cloudy web service Soundcloud.

(Weight 35mb) In archive: shaper_vocal_quickstart_j3 , shaper_vocal_required_extensions , shaper_vocal_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS Radon or Shaper Radon v 1.2 — multipurpose template with light and minimalistic design , which can quite be used as for the corporate websites , and for the websites of business cards , blogs and even for creation of landing page. Developers of template are children from professional studio JoomShaper. The template with the popular designer of content of K2 , which will provide fast creation of the blog on Joomla , at the same time all functionality , which will already be necessary for full work of the blog is available right after installation.

(Weight 23mb) In archive: required_extensions_unzip_first , shaper_radon_quickstart_j3 , shaper_radon_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS Shaper Shooter or of Shaper Shooter v1.3 — smart template from JoomShaper developers , ideal for creation of the websites of portfolio of photographers or design studios. The template is executed in dark tones , allowing to concentrate as much as possible the attention on viewing of graphic information. As gallery of images the popular RokGallery expansion , allowing to organize evident demonstration of contents with use of various effects.

(Weight 25mb) In archive: shaper_shooter_quickstart_j3 , shaper_shooter_templateonly_j3 , shaper_shooterrequired_extensions_unzipfirst

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper Blinker or of JS Blinker v1.4 from developers design web studios JoomShaper. It will be ideal for creation the websites business cards , for the websites of the private organizations , for the websites as small , and large business. The compatibility with the K2 components , existence of 8 submitted pages. Also developers have entered additional options , for example , drag and drop , that allows to exercise independently control of some installed components in the administration panel.

(Weight 26mb) In archive: shaper_blinker_quickstart_j3 , shaper_blinker_required_extensions_UNZIPFIRST , shaper_blinker_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper Newsplus or of JS NewsPlus v1.5 — easy and simple template for the websites of news and journal type from children from JoomShaper studio. Developers have paid much attention to adaptive properties of template , and now the template correctly works on all devices is not dependent on display resolution or operating system. Shaper NewsPlus correctly works , including on iPad , iPhone , Android and Blackberry.

(Weight 90mb) In archive: shaper_newsplus_quickstart_j3 , shaper_newsplus_required_extensions , shaper_newsplus_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS Shaper Corporex or of Shaper of Corporex v1.2 — excellent template , executed in light tones from developers from design studio JoomShaper. Contains modern light design of template of 6 color schemes , giving in through the internal manager to convenient editing. Thanks to adaptive properties contents can correctly be displayed on any screen of the mobile device. The club SP Portfolio and SP Smart Slider expansions , which provide evident display of information on pages of the website.

(Weight 22mb) In archive: required_extensions , shaper_corporex_quickstart_j3 , shaper_corporex_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper organic life or of Shaper Organic Life of v1.5 and 1.6 of 18.08.2016 - multiple-purpose thematic template. Perfectly will be suitable also for the informative blog on healthy food and the corresponding recipes , and for the online stores specializing in sale of natural fruit and vegetables. The template is developed by professional team from design studio JoomShaper , it is also supplied number of useful studio expansions , considerably increasing functionality web pages . The design of template is rather adaptive , </> to allow the website it is equally convenient to span to be displayed on various devices: home computers , laptops , tablets , smartphones and phones. Shaper Organic Life can be used for creation online store , due to integration with the popular Hikashop component.

(Weight 39mb and 41mb) In archive: required_extensions , shaper_organic_life_quickstart_j3 , shaper_organic_life_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS Travel Kit or of Shaper Travel Kit v1.3 excellent template for tourist web resources or personal blog by the fan of travel. It with success can be used also for creation of multipurpose resource , on which can book tour or to create the catalog of hotels. The JoomlaShaper studio worked on this template. Developers integrated the K2 components and K2Store into template.

(Weight 80mb) In archive: required_extensions_unzipfirst , travelkit_quickstart_j3 , travelkit_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Shaper Glamour or of JS Glamour v1.3 which perfectly will be suitable for creation web resources spa-interiors , online stores fashionable clothes and other resources , to which first of all needs adaptive design and big functionality.

(Weight 56mb) In archive: shaper_glamour_quickstart_j3 , shaper_glamour_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS Helix3 or of Shaper of Helix3 v1.8 - is the best and most advanced Joomla template packed with stunning functions. Gives you unique experience from surprising possibility of dragging in creation of the websites with infinite options!

of (Weight 31mb) In archive: shaper_helix3_quickstart_j3 , shaper_helix3_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of JS DOCTOR or of Shaper DOCTOR of v1.3 - rendering of services by one or several medical experts. It can be the website of one doctor of high skill level which provides full range of services in any field of medicine. The JoomShaper Doctor template also will be suitable for private medical clinic or the small medical center.

(Weight 27mb) In archive: shaper_doctor_quickstart_j3 , shaper_doctor_templateonly_j3

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of of JS Knight or of Shaper of Knight v1.0 - adaptive Joomla template for the company and the agency on the websites. Knight is well thought over, modern, flexible and multi-purpose Joomla! 3.6 + subject for the enterprises, institutions, groups, certain experts, such, as consultants, accountants, legal advisers, lawyers, etc.

(Weight 28mb) In archive: knight_quickstart_j3, , knight_template_j3, shaper_knight_settings_UNZIP_FIRST

Is compatible

to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

& nbsp;

of Ares Murphy ( documentation ) is well thought over, creative, sympathetic and multi-purpose Joomla! 3.6 + template for designers, the web agencies, certain experts, such, as bloggers, photographers, graphic experts, developers or for all those who need in online of the summary, portfolio or the blog. It includes three the built-in options of various templates. Ares of Murphy Joomla template 3-water. After installation of QuickStart, you can easily create ideal portfolio, the blog or the summary of websites within several minutes. It perfectly looks on desktop computers, laptops, phones, planshetya and other devices.

(Weight 40mb) In archive: of ares_murphy_quickstart_j3 , of ares_murphy_template_j3 , of shaper_ares_murphy_settings_UNZIP_FIRST

It is compatible to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

of Shaper Onepage - is the balanced, clean, completely sympathetic and perfect OnePage parallax by template. Such design of the multi-purpose page can be used for any type of the website: corporate, the agency, noncommercial, the consultant of the agency, the freelancer or the general business with the relation. Besides, when your company has to inform the public on the last product or the mobile application on the website on one page is the excellent decision (model) for such announcement.

(Weight 34,7mb) In archive: of onepage_quickstart_j3_v2.3, onepage_template_j3_v2.3

It is compatible to Joomla 3. x ( Including fast start) — Demonstration

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