Template with responsive design S5 TheClassifieds is a great solution for creating a modern and easy message boards or online catalog any direction, starting from the directory car and ending with a catalog of real estate. Template designed by shape5. The template was laid Joomanager component, which is implemented and the functionality of the Bulletin Board – extension search, paid ads, rating, custom fields, connection, Google maps and many other features.
But it should be noted that the template was designed as a Bulletin Board, but can be used in other fields as well – business card site, portfolio, blog, etc, as developers were provided a special version of the main page without the use of Joomanager. With the template S5 TheClassifieds supply their own developments, among them: S5 Image and Content Fader v3 S5 Accordion Menu, S5 Box, S5 Flex Menu and S5 Tab Show, which fully complement the output of the content and make it more elegant.
Works with Joomla 2.5 and 3.x; available 92 module positions, the presence of multi-level dropdown menu; support RTL and LTR language; there Are advanced typographic styles; support Google fonts; Fixed main menu when scrolling; there is a Parallax effect for background.