Shaper MegaDeal best template for Joomla 2.5 and joomla 3.x from the Studio JoomShaper. This template is designed for creating e-Commerce site. Moreover, this template is perfect to create the largest commercial portal like E-bay, and for the creation of a commercial site of a smaller format.
In the template integrated module brand new SP Virtuemart Slider, SP Virtuemart category and SP Virtuemart search that will help best way to build a system of search, selection and purchase of goods on your website. Proposed template functions allow you to customize the site to conduct any kind of transactions.
The advantages of using a powerful built-in component Virtuemart, you will be able to create a commercial portal like Amazon or E-bay. A built-in 6 template styles and different module positions will help to build a truly attractive online store.
The main advantages of Shaper MegaDeal:
Flexible layout design layout; Support Virtuemart; new Built-in modules SP Virtuemart Slider, SP Virtuemart category and SP Virtuemart search; Well commented CSS files and PHP; the built in Studio extension; using the possibilities of modern technology CSS3; Checking validity W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional; Compatible with all versions of browsers.