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Architecture v1.06 - the WordPress template from Themeforest No. 3580702

Architecture is Wordpress premium a template which will be ideal for the industrial websites needing minimalistic and modern design. This
Manufacturer: Wordpress CMS

CMS: WordPress
Type: template
Themes: Business


Price: 5 USD

Main functions of the Architecture template:

  • of .pot file available to localization;
  • Completely SEO the optimized model;
  • of Live Color Changer which allows you to establish own color scale;
  • Completely sympathetic model;
  • Full freedom in creation of side panels of the websites;
  • of 6 preset models for the cellar of your website;
  • More than 450 fonts already ready for work;
  • Visual editor of content;
  • Manager of sliders;
  • Built-in translator;
  • Support of short-codes;
  • the Unique loader of fonts, for addition of own printing house;
  • Unique loader of logos;
  • Unique loader of background styles;
  • Existence of own, preset gallery;
  • Possibility of creation of own portfolio;
  • the Possibility of addition of the separate page with the price list;
  • the Separate page for the publication of personnel;
  • the Built-in possibility of interaction with social networks;
  • of Video the textbook on control and editing opportunities of a template from a demo content;
  • I many other things …
Architecture v1.06 - the WordPress template from Themeforest No. 3580702 - Reviews and comments:
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Only we have premium templates and extensions from only 5 USD! Cheaper only in free access with viruses, hidden links and backdoors!