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Coupon XL v3.7 - the WordPress template from Themeforest No. 10721950

CouponXL is an excellent template for WordPress. He specializes in sale of transactions, discounts and coupons on the Internet. Besides, it is optimized and ideally the podkh
Manufacturer: Wordpress CMS

CMS: WordPress
Type: template
Themes: E-commerce


Price: 5 USD

Main features of the CouponXL template:

  • Gives an opportunity to all participants to advertize the production and services, to earn money through the website, it is rational to control payments and to contain everything organized with surprising functionality;
  • the Template allows the administrator to make by
  • obligatory authorization of visitors on his website or on the contrary free to viewing without any checks in;
  • the Automated system of generation of a casual code on purchase is included by
  • . It isn't necessary to you worries about sending a code to the buyer as it will be made automatically;
  • Also at a template the dashboard profile which allows the buyer to monitor the purchases, transactions, coupons and also vouchers and codes is present. You can edit their profiles, provide changes and trace statistics for everyone;
  • you can adjust payment for reception of coupons and transactions. The sums of payments and coupons can be different;
  • by
  • Choose various types of transactions: the paid or partner transaction;
  • function which allows all visitors of the website to be registered by means of Facebook, Twitter or Google + accounts Is present;
  • Create unlimited number of the user megamenus for any pages to which you can attach references or images. It is very simple in control, by combination of the main menus and the side panel of widgets;
  • Import any .XML and automatically add special offers, coupons there is so much how much it will want to you on your website by means of several clicks. All you need to do is, it to prepare .XML the file for import;
  • the CouponXL Template allows your clients of the website to estimate offers, coupons, thanks to it new visitors will be always informed on quality of coupons, transactions on your website;
  • the Statistics and visits are very important
  • for your website. The built-in system of tracking Ctrpomozhet to visitors to trace the offers, opinions or cliques;
  • by
  • the Template provided a fast and easy possibility of installation of a demo content in order that you could begin to use a template at once after its installation;
  • Thanks to specially developed support forum, the client can receive the answer to the question within 24 hours;
  • Completely translated template and also you can translate completely with the help .roi .mogotovykh files;
  • of Couponxlochen fast even if you loaded it a large number of data;
  • Use a map or short-codes which include all locations of shops or transactions on a map;
  • you can transfer to
  • transactions, coupons and offers to SEO the optimized references;
  • I much – many other things …
Coupon XL v3.7 - the WordPress template from Themeforest No. 10721950 - Reviews and comments:
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