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The order in one click for virtuemart 2 and 3

For online stores on the basis of Virtuemart and Joomla. Feature of this decision - in the fast order all properties and attributes of your goods are considered.
Manufacturer: Virtuemart


Price: 5 USD

Ready plug-in "The fast order" for online stores on the basis of Virtuemart and Joomla. For shops on Joomshopping use Expansion according to the reference.


Feature of this decision - in the fast order consider all properties and attributes of your goods. As a result in the admin panel the full order is created. If the buyer has put something in basket earlier - these goods are also included in the fast order. After creation of the order the basket is nullified.


- Is present

no licenses, open source code;

- Can be established on any websites having bought once;

- the Price;

That is able:

  • the Button of the fast order in basket;
  • All text inscriptions are taken out in control of plug-in;
  • Sending SMS to the buyer and administrator;
  • Restriction for goods cost (for cheap goods the button the Fast order will not appear);
  • Opportunity to hide the standard button "Add to Cart" styles. Thus to leave only the Fast order on the website.
  • the Plug-in is adapted under Virtuemart 2.6.0 and 2.9 and 3.0 above
  • conclusion of payment methods and delivery Is finished.
  • in the field phone the input mask is added.
  • the Button of the fast order in category (the list of goods) .
  • regular letters of Virtemart (as go at the usual order Now).

the logic of addition of goods in basket Is remade. Now the goods are added to cart by regular script - when pressing the button the Fast order. If for any reason the goods were not added (for example - the obligatory attribute is not chosen) - the regular message is displayed, the window of the fast order does not open.

It is adapted under the new virtuemart 3.x and joomla 3.x version (it is compatible in combination of joomla 2.5 + virtuemart 2 and joomla 3.x + virtuemart 3)

In plug-in does not have binding to domain names, there are no licenses and open source code!

After pressing of the Fast Order button the form

After filling of fields and pressing of the Buy button appears the buyer receives two service messages

after that to the buyer the confirmation letter

the administrator receives the letter with the order

in the field Phone is used plug-in of maskedinput which controls the correct input of phone number. Fields "Delivery mode" and "Payment method" can be switched off in the admin panel. the Choice of values of this field by the buyer - purely information, for the administrator. Calculation of delivery is not made, payment of the order is not made . If you have set of methods of delivery and payment - it is possible to use "pseudo-delivery" and "pseudo-payment". That is in settings of plug-in you enter the name of points through semicolon. As a result chosen payment methods and deliveries are included in the comment to the order. When using plug-in <style= "color: #4d90fe; transition: color 0.2s linear; - webkit-transition: color 0.2s linear; text-decoration: none;" href= "products/opredelenie-goroda-po-ip" target=" _ blank" data-mce-type="text/css"> "Definition of the city <style= "color: #4d90fe; transition: color 0.2s linear; - webkit-transition: color 0.2s linear; text-decoration: none;" href= "products/opredelenie-goroda-po-ip" target=" _ blank" data-mce-type="text/css"> IP" field "Address" is filled with certain city.

fields, Obligatory to filling, - full name, phone and Email. If the buyer does not fill them - will receive warning "Please, fill all fields of form before sending". After filling of fields and pressing of the Buy button there is ajax creation the order and cleaning of basket. ALL goods which lay in basket are included in the order. The buyer receives two service messages "Sending the order. Please, wait..." and in case of successful creation of the order "Thanks for the order! We will contact you in the nearest future". If the order was not created - "There was problem with sending the order. Please, try once again." The text of all service messages can be changed in settings of plug-in.

& nbsp;


In the admin panel of shop forms the order. All data of the buyer and comments - are completed.

Here the order so looks:

Plagin uses jQuery. If on your website jQuery is not used - the plug-in will load it.


has realized protection against boats.

<href= " option=com_virtuemart& view=productdetails& virtuemart_product_id=7& virtuemart_category_id=4& Itemid=106" target=" _ blank" rel= "nofollow"> Demo of work of plug-in.

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