Now you can have DRAG &DROP feature for content editing in your own WEB apps or CMS
InnovaStudio Content Builder is a JQuery plugin that converts: the element in the editable area. You can use the plugin in your own web applications, CMS, etc. unlike other editors, the plugin provides you with beautifully designed content blocks, ready to DRAG & DROP. You can even create your own content blocks.
Create Content QUICKLY and EASILY!
In place editing of office content With the free area of the edit page embedded images Panoramas and Increase Drag & Drop blocks of content With a collection of beautifully designed blocks You can use it as your own portable and fast tool prototyping!
Easy integration
The scaling option allows you to make the editing area smaller to give you a General view of the content. Values can be from 0.8 to 1.
Parameter file Snippet refers to the HTML file that contains a collection of Snippets. You can also add your own snippets in this file.
Here is a simple example file snippets, and how it will look in the editor as content blocks, ready to Drag & Drop.
Browser requirements
All modern browsers:
Chrome latest version of Opera, the latest version of Firefox, the latest version of Safari, the latest version of IE 10 (Internet Explorer 10) or later