WooCommerce Photography is the extension for your online store on WooCommerce, which allows you to rebuild your online store for selling photos. Using the plugin WooCommerce Photography you can easily organize photos Stoke for the sale of the photos that will be acquired with ease by dragging and paste.
WooCommerce Photography is a tool designed to assist professional photographers with the ability to control and sell their own photos to their clients. WooCommerce Photography plugin has all the features including the unique Ajax loading of photos, beautiful page, browse pictures, and purchase and download. The plugin transforms your WooCommerce Photography WooCommerceсистему with ease and in the blink of an eye.
Photographers love to photograph, and in their gallery there are usually thousands of different shots, for which they would like to get paid. Using the plugin WooCommerce Photography you and your clients dont have to manually upload each photo individually, you can use the integrated image Uploader with categorization and labels. Because of this, you can in minutes to download all of your photos today and get your first sale!