Woocommerce Product Bundles - make custom bundles of products and kits by combining simple and dynamic products.
"Product Bundles" is an extension ideal for creating sets and assemblies, where the combined products (simple or dynamic) and their value is a constant property of the Assembly. If you configured your build should change in time, the expansion of the “Composite Products” may more suitable for you. Static and dynamic assemblies can also be created with the extension “Chained Products”. To decide which extension is more suitable for your application, review all available documentation and always keep updates.
Create and sell kits and assemblies, combining simple, time-variable or even downloadable products together. Evaluate sales not only in the number of goods, but also by the number of assemblies. Set the specific value of the combined products is useful for creating simple sets of products and major discount of the assemblies. Combine variable products and customize them down to the smallest detail: apply to assemblies with special filters. Override default elements visible to the user. Add and override of a group of identical goods to create an unimaginable number of assemblies and kits. Customize the view of each Assembly separately: show or hide their images; override names and short descriptions; choose from several schemes of estimation of cost of build (if you want it to be a specific price or to depend on each product in the kit?). Choose the scheme of sending: is a sending together or separately for each item or generally not done. All this and more combined in a clear and simple interface.