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Import (loading of price) of XML/YML for Joomshopping

Import (loading of price) of XML/YML for Joomshopping from Yandex the Market
Manufacturer: Joomshopping



Price: 5 USD

Loading of the XML files for Joomshopping. Updating of the prices and the remains in products.
the XML parser, according to the scheme of data of YML (Yandex market).

Filling by goods of online store takes away lot of time and forces, especially for it we have developed special and cross-sectional import. Now the quantity of goods will not even be far for several thousands so iznutritelny system. To enter manually each goods – incredibly labor-consuming occupation, but it is possible to automate лагодаря to our add-on.

Many sources (partners) allow to receive commodity positions by unloading (export of data) to XML format . It can be ready prices, parsers or export/unloading of data via the website admin panel, for example, for transfer of content on other cursor of shop.


Given (add-on/expansion) it is intended to load goods from such source (for example from the supplier) on the website of the online store constructed on of Joomshopping, the Market constructed according to the scheme of import through Yandex .

the Scheme of the loaded document XML has to correspond to the scheme YML . It is the scheme Yandex Market quite widespread and, almost, standard. Among popular dealers – of

of Attention ! Be surely convinced that your price which you are going to load really of corresponds to the xml format according to the scheme YML !
All specification is taken by

from the XML file and is placed in card of goods Joomshopping in the respective fields, including the description, the prices, etc.

This add-on allows to update


fields as everything, and is elected, for example only the prices, the existence/remains of goods in warehouse by loading of the corresponding price. If the script finds on the website goods with the Code (article) same as in price – there is updating of its data (the price, the rest in warehouse, etc.). If there is no code, search is carried out on exact coincidence of the name of goods. For price like vendor.model comparison is carried out on hitch the Brand + Model. If neither the code (article) nor the name is found – the new goods are added to the database. Or the goods are not added if the corresponding parameter (the tick is removed) is disconnected.

Expansion has open source code and has no binding to domain names. With add-on there is professional version of the generator of images.

the First image according to the list becomes the main thing, the others – as additional.
Files of images automatically are not downloaded by and on the server are not loaded! information only registers In cards of goods about them. After loading of data you receive the file with the list of references of images of new goods. Further it is necessary to download them any loader, to load on the server and to perform procedure of updating of the sizes of images, ordinary for Joomshopping ( paid multiple-purpose add-on of Resize Products goes in set ).
as the loader of images of good will suit Download Maste r, (see video - on point: File/import / URL from the file).

do not forget

that Joomshopping stores each photo of goods in three files: the original of *.jpg, miniature of thumb_*.jpg and close up of full_*.jpg therefore on each file source it is necessary to make 2 more copies with the names thumb_*.jpg and full_*.jpg

For skilled: If references in SEF look source, at the end of the reference – the goods pseudonym, these pseudonyms are transferred to goods card. If pseudonyms of goods in price are absent or do not arrange, it is possible to allow transliteration of names in Latin letters. It is possible to transmit pseudonym of goods separately, through the & lt tag; alias> . There is possibility of loading of goods on the basis of availability, to existence. If in offer attributes it is specified by of available= of" true" of stock= of" xx" (xx - any positive quantity), such goods is loaded. If or of available= of" false" , or the rest of stock=" 0" – the goods are passed, will not be loaded into base. The parameter which is disconnected.

Perhaps automatic change of the price and/or currency . If at you in shop the currency differs from source or just there is such need, it is possible to specify any other currency which will be established for goods. At the same time you can specify also course of converting or any coefficient for the price. It is so possible to load price with the prices in rubles, having replaced raid all prices for euro or dollar, or on the contrary.

Can load separate categories and/or range of goods on their ID in XML price.

Can be removed previously automatically from registration goods of the website (all categories or only specified) or to nullify them otstatka in warehouse in order that after processing of price available there were only those which will be loaded/are updated.

This version of import/loading works as

only with the main language of the website. In this version more optimized code for processing speedup by the server and more flexible parameters for frequent updating of goods (the price, existence or all data).

If the price contains several thousands of goods, the situation is possible when the server of the website does not allow to process the file entirely, for one session. It is connected with restrictions of time of processing of PHP script on the server. Standard value of 120 seconds (2 minutes). Sign of such final – the empty page upon termination of process. Do not worry!

For a start try to set bigger value of the option Set time limit, min. . It will allow the server to process most long price as far as other settings of the server allow.

If increase in time does not help after all to load the file with large number of goods, in options it is provided by to set number ID of goods according to the file from which it is necessary to begin/continue processing, and quantity of goods on one session. The quantity of the goods processed for one session are better to limit 1000...3000 and depends on settings of your server, is selected experimentally – before normal return on the page of import with display of results of processing.

Let's say in the previous session the last processed goods were with id=5134 - this number will be shown on the same page as a result of processing. Further, it is necessary just to set this number as initial and again to start import.

Import (loading of price) of XML/YML for Joomshopping - Reviews and comments:
eamat 02.10.2019
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