Testimonials Showcase – WordPress Plugin – a Plugin used to display feedback and reviews in different styles. The plugin has the ability to place content using the widgets is fully translation ready and support for Retina screens.
The plugin is ideal for:
Display reviews of your customers; Display reviews of your products and services; Displaying a list of quotes; Displaying thematic reviews and studies. Main features: Layouts in a grid or slider; More than 15 options layout settings; Support rating; Open source code available for modification; translation.
You can display the feedback in two different ways:
The grid information will be displayed in a grid with customizable field sizes and Windows.
The slider content will display in a carousel with customizable transition effects and the number of elements.
The plugin allows you to easily adjust the display options reviews, by changing the styles in the code. The plugin will ensure the correct content is indexed by search engines. You can add a unique description and keywords for search engines for each opinion.
Other features:
The possibility of changing the name of the plug-in settings; the Ability to create extended versions of short-codes; Display random reviews short code; Control the images size; Gravatar Support; Different management styles, sliders and layouts;