Woocommerce Payment Gateway based Fees - add fee amount to the order depending on the payment method. This is useful if You use multiple payment gateways. They also set their Commission for making payments.
Main features Woocommerce Payment Gateway:
Enable / disable additional fees for the whole website without removing any data. Enabling / disabling Commission for certain payment system Enabling / disabling Commission for certain goods Automatic counting Commission for each payment system Automatic calculation of fee for each item Ability to change the amount automatically calculated the fee manually on the order page the Ability to manually add a Commission to the order after the customer orders the Ability to manually add an additional fee to the order created in the admin panel (button “Add new order” (add new order)), the Possibility of setting the maximum size of the Commission in relation to the basket of goods, the Possibility of setting the maximum size of the Commission, with regard to a certain product you Have the option of counting taxes and fees with the Commission of Three methods of calculation: - fixed size: set permanent total - add the % to the total add percentage of the total value of the order or product is to include % the amount: Commission is calculated traditionally (you will receive the full amount of the order)