Every time one of the products is not in stock, you are losing potential customers. So why not take advantage of plug-WooWaitlist WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier to keep these valuable customers and to form their own base of potential buyers? Use a plug-in WooWaitlist WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier, and let the customers line up in a virtual queue in front of your products. And you can notify them by email when a particular product is back in stock.
The main features of the plugin WooWaitlist WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier:
Engage your customers with notifications when the product they wanted to buy appeared in stock; WooWaitlist WooCommerce Back in Stock Notifier отличноинтегрированвWooCommerce; Show the contents of a subscription only on those items that are not available; translation Ready; WPML Full support; Supports RTL; Easy to use management interface; the Ability to use a custom SIL; Create your own page where you can display a list of customers who are expecting the item; Export all subscriptions in CSV file; Fully customizable notification template; Compatibility with the latest WooCommerce version; Supports all types of WooCommerce products.