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The similar and accompanying goods in JoomShopping

Manufacturer: Joomshopping



Price: 5 USD

the Similar and accompanying goods in JoomShopping

Perelinkovka of goods of shop

& nbsp;

is expansion, allows to provide conclusion in goods card automatically the list of similar products which are similar or substitutes for concrete goods. goods can be connected by one or several to parameters. Very often buyers of any online store, do not stop on the choice of the first product wishing to consider all list and to choose suitable product that is dostochno reasonable action. In real shop, acquisition of the first offered product from the consultant, happens only on the emotional principle and as a rule depends on abilities of the expert to give goods to the client. How to be to the online store constructed on JoomShopping and if it has no script online of the consultant capable various modes to help to make choice? In the Internet there are many pluses and it will help of course the buyer to make right choice, previously having compared it on large amount of properties, having looked and having looked at analogs. As we see, these specifics of online store, are on the one hand positive because the client does conscious acquisition and as a rule then will be happy because it is its weighed choice, but on the other hand, the owner or the specialist of shop, has to create conditions for at which the potential buyer will look for similar goods not on the third-party websites of competitors, and on your website of online store. Of course, we will be realists, this add-on will not be able to provide the client's binding only to your shop and the fact that clients will not watch other shops. But unambiguously you can hoist significantly yuzabilitiya as much as possible to hold the client on the website. If the goods found it, for any reason do not approach (the price/characteristic/producer, etc.), then by means of this expansion, you will create to offer analogs or substitutes. Thereby you will provide the choice of products, however holding the visitor on the website. Such add-on to especially useful online stores with the big range from different producers. For example, to shop selling tires and disks, car and other spare parts, tools, children's things and toys, medical medicines, jewelry, stationery, etc. Along with it, we want to pay your attention that this expansion allows to provide increasing internal transitions (relinking) in your online store and also increases time of presence of visitors on the website that in total, provides one of important components of SEO of optimization and promotes advance of your website in search engines.

of the Possibility of add-on:

  • Formation and automation of formation of the list of similar goods for each goods.
  • Automation of formation of the list of the accompanying goods for each goods.
  • ensuring internal relinking between goods on characteristic signs
  • you will be able to choose by
  • type of formation of the list (similar / accompanying) to automatically create the list of the goods connected on: - to the price - the free text - ID of goods - to the article - the characteristic(s) - to tags - in casual order to create/clean lists of goods in large quantities or to the goods only chosen.
  • you will be able to set to choose by
  • quantity of the added goods segment of the donor (category/producer/seller) to provide control of addition of goods only with existence: pictures, the prices, existence in warehouse published

This expansion is put by through the fitter of JoomShopping as usual add-on! Has no bindings to domain name and restrictions! Open source code! It is checked! It is unique!

Minimum system requirements

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  • of Joomla 2.5.10+, 3.3.0+
  • of JoomShopping 3.7+, 4.2+
  • Version of PHP: 5.3.10 - 5.6
  • PHP : bc-math
The similar and accompanying goods in JoomShopping - Reviews and comments:
Mari 16.05.2020
Joomla 3.9.19 + Joomshopping 4.18.4 В опции/дополнения/Addon similar products только три пункта: шаблон, колонки и переменная. ВСЕ. А где искать основные настройки?
Мила 18.12.2019
Отличное расширение, только почему-то смогла вывести только сопутствующие товары. Аналогичные товары видно в админке, но на сайт выводятся некорректно - т.е. как вкладка в сопутствующих товарах. Может быть, нужно что-то сделать в базе данных сайта, чтобы корректно все работало?
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